Home » For The Love of A Lady » For The Love of A Lady – She Got Tired

For The Love of A Lady – She Got Tired

Nanine awoke.  Something during the night disturbed her, but lying there in bed, she wasn’t sure what it was.  She listened intently for anything out of the ordinary, but there was nothing – nothing but the quiet night and the familiar serenade of Craig snoring next to her.  She was just drifting back off to sleep again, when Criag moaned and stirred in bed.  He turned on his side and moaned again.

“Ow,” he said quietly and then mumbled something else unintelligible.

Nanine turned on her side also facing away from him, but when he moved his arms and legs restlessly and brushed up against her shoulder she turned and sat up in the bed.  She felt his forehead and gasped.

He was burning up.




Craig woke up in the hospital.  Things were sort of fuzzy at first and he was confused about exactly where he was.  A nurse stood up from the nurse’s station nearby and walked over to the side of his bed.  She smiled.

“So, you woke up?”  She said, adjusting an IV above him.  “How are you feeling?”

“I-I’m okay, I guess.  How did I get back in here again?”

“Your wife brought you in.  Your gunshot shoulder wound got infected and you went septic on us.  You’re getting some IV antibiotics now, so don’t worry.  You’ll be fine.”

“How long have I been here?”

“Oh, a couple of days.”


“Yeah.  You’ve been out for a while.”

“I guess so.”  Craig looked around.  “Where’s my wife?”

“Oh, she’s not here right now.  She was sitting right here next to you for the first 24 hours or so, but then, she got tired and went home.”




This is a new book that I’m writing here on Facebook. Each week I post a new installment and you can actually read it as I’m writing it. Not even I know what’s going to happen yet! Come back each Thursday night and see how it turns out. You can read my other published books at www.aperrinauthor.com

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